Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a beginning or advanced writing course?

Within each unit, the first video gives an overview of more basic content, while subsequent videos discuss more advanced strategies and techniques.

Throughout the course, I discuss examples from types of essays that might be assigned at the advanced high school or college level. In my own teaching, I've discussed ideas I present in the course with students from high school to college undergraduate and even masters-level courses!

Even students who are strong in certain aspects of writing (for example, composing a strong thesis and supporting it with effective evidence) may be weaker in another area (such as varying sentence structure and understanding the nuances of style).

To get a better idea if the course is a good fit for you, enroll in the free trial!

Is this a full writing curriculum?

The course can be used in three different ways:

1. It can guide you as you work on an existing school assignment. In this case, watch the content for each unit as you are at that stage of writing, and then apply what you learn as you complete your own essay.

2. It can help you grow as a writer, on your own schedule. Go through course units at your own pace, or just skip to specific units wehre you want to deepen your understanding. After watching each unit's videos, complete that unit's "What's Next?" worksheet. When the worksheets prompt you to work on your essay, you can choose to use one of the optional essay assignments (included with the course), you can work on your own new essay, or you can rewrite/revise an assignment you had in the past.

3. Homeschoolers can use the course as a complete writing unit. The course includes everything you need! Course resources include a suggested schedule, learning outcomes, options for adapting assignments to your own needs, and grading rubrics so a parent or tutor can evaluate progress. Homeschoolers completing the course may practice what they learn by using the optional essay assignment included with the course, or they may practice on their own essay (such as an essay related to other coursework in history, literature, or another subject)!

Do I have to take the course from beginning to end, or can I jump around?

The course is designed to be useful in many different situations...even if you are stuck mid-semester and need some quick help on a specific topic! For example, maybe your teacher told you to work on your outline and it's due next week, so you need to learn more about that topic right away.

In this case, YES, go ahead and jump directly to any unit that discusses a topic where you need help! Then as you have time, you can go back and cover any missed lessons.

Do keep in mind that within each unit, it helps to watch the videos in order. This helps you understand when and how to apply the ideas I discuss in different videos.

Does this course have assignments?

Each course unit has a "What's Next?" worksheet that prompts you to reflect on course content, offers links for further reading, and gives you specific steps so that you can put what you learned into practice on an essay project. If you complete all the worksheets, you'll produce a full essay by the end of the course!

Within the course, the "Additional Resources" section includes a Suggested Schedule, which offers an idea of how long each assignment may take to complete. You can also download a grading rubric for assessing progress and an Overview of Assignments, which describes ways to tailor assignments to your needs.

Can you explain more about the options for the essay assignment?

The course is flexible, adapting to different students' needs and existing workloads.

While this course is fully self-contained and self-paced, if you would like personalized help or feedback on your writing, I offer one-on-one online tutoring and writing assessments! See below under "Can I get individual feedback on my work?"

What is an academic essay?

In this course, "academic essay" means any nonfiction writing assignment where the writer introduces a main argument (thesis) toward the beginning of the essay and then uses supporting paragraphs in the rest of the essay to explain and defend that argument. This can include: * 5-paragraph essays * Persuasive essays * Research papers * Essay exams * Term papers * Literature reviews * and more!

Course videos primarily discuss examples of essays written on topics in the humanities and social sciences. But you can use the ideas and skills you learn here in many different courses and writing assignments!

What do I get on the free plan?

The free trial includes all content for Unit 2 (about thesis statements), as well as the course introductory video, course information, assignments, and other supplementary materials. Homeschoolers: This includes access to the Homeschool Packet including suggested schedule, learning goals, and grading rubric.

After you join the free plan, you may upgrade at any time to view the remaining course content.

Can I watch the videos but not do the assignments?

You can use the course in whatever way best stuits your needs! Yet, for best results, I strongly recommend that you practice what you learn in some way. If not, it would be like watching videos about how to play guitar but never actually picking up an instrument to practice!

Applying course content to an actual writing project will help you understand, remember, and grow into the concepts you learn.

Can I get school credit for the course / Is the course accredited?

The course is not accredited and is not affiliated with any accredited educational institution or group.

The Homeschool Packet provides information and suggestions in regard to topics covered, learning outcomes, schedule, assignments, and grading rubrics. However, individuals are responsible to ensure that the course aligns with any necessary educational requirements.

I'm a minor. Can I sign up for the course on my own?

Minors may only sign up for and participate in the course with the permission and active involvement of a parent or legal guardian. Specific guidelines and ages are outlined in the Terms of Service for the course hosting platform Thinkific, available on Thinkific’s legal center.

What about accessibility?

The goal for the site is to make all content fully accessible, but there is still more work to fully reach that goal. Here is a summary of where we are:

Can I get individual feedback on my work?

In order to offer students maximum flexibility, the course is fully self-contained. It includes a grading rubric that students may use to self-assess and that homeschool parents or tutors can use to evaluate their student's progress. In addition, the Overview of Assignments provides instructions for how to use the rubric to assess progress after individual units and how to evaluate the full essay at the end of the course.

If you would like more personalized feedback on your writing, I separately offer one-on-one writing consultations and tutoring! My sessions are highly individualized, tailored to your specific interests or concerns. I use the Outschool platform. For a limited time, students enrolled in the full version of this course may email me for a 50% discount on an Outschool tutoring session!

Note that Outschool is limited to students 18 and under. I am currently exploring options for holding sessions with older students; if you are interested please email me.